Why did Kim write Quiet Conversations?

“Writing this book has been a ten-year process,” Kim explains. “It began as a Bible study I created years ago which resonated with people in a unique way. But then I began to live through some of life’s most heart-wrenching situations, each of which put my faith to the challenge to see if everything I deeply embraced about God was still true. These challenges included my brother’s stroke at age 50 which rendered him a quadriplegic, my mother’s struggle with Alzheimer’s, my father’s heart attack in a stadium as he watched my son play high school football, my husband’s two-year battle with Leukemia, and my struggle with his subsequent loss. It was a lot to process.”

“Life demanded that I test the spiritual concepts which I embraced and had taught to others for years,” Kim reflects. “What did I learn? That life is difficult. We all struggle, experience great loss and know immense heartache. But what is the point of our faith if not to give us a reason to live and to thrive? Faith provides a different lens from which to view what life hands us, and it provides a positive, new perspective. In my journey, I discovered that the significant truths in which I based my life were validated. These beliefs and principles are what supported me through the dark times, and led me back to the light. I felt compelled to write Quiet Conversations to share my hard-won wisdom and spiritual insights with others.”

Geography & Relationships Define Her

Having lived in the same region her entire life, Kim treasures her relationships with family members and friends. She has two sons, a daughter and son-in-law that bring her great joy. Spending time together, celebrating holidays and traveling together are times Kim cherishes.

She is known for having longtime friendships, some spanning over 50 years. “It is a special blessing to have friends who have known me since I was a child,” Kim reflects. “They see the real me and know how I have grown and evolved over decades. They love me regardless of countless mistakes, mishaps and flaws through the years. I am privileged to know this kind of unconditional love among steadfast, faithful friends. It is fun that we can continue to be a part of each other’s lives.”

A self-described “Florida girl through and through,” Kim is proud of her family roots in the Sunshine State, and she is a beach lover at heart. Her home is situated a short walk from Tampa Bay where she enjoys morning walks to glimpse the sun on the water and to soak up its beauty. She shares, “I have always been drawn to water. I grew up on a lake in Tampa, and my family has spent a lot of time exploring Florida’s many beautiful beaches. I feel God’s presence keenly in beach settings.”

Kim’s Beliefs

Kim fervently believes God longs for a close, active relationship with us. Experiencing His presence in her life through the highest moments of joy, to the lowest moments of despair, she has witnessed His compassion and faithfulness. Her writing is imbued with personal examples that flesh out the foundational principles she has mined through decades of studying God’s Word.

“We all struggle, experience great loss and know immense heartache. But what is the point of faith…if not to give us a reason to live and thrive?”


I believe…

Grace is transforming. It is the greatest gift God has given us, and it is the most precious gift we can give to one another. Life is too short to hold on to a grudge, or to live in regret. Moments disappear and we can’t get them back. Forgive. Move forward. Take that trip. Make that call. Cherish the here and now.

Laughter is healing. Laughter enriches relationships and makes friends out of strangers. Memories of humorous experiences become stories we can recall and retell, creating laughter for years to come. Laughter becomes part of the fabric of our lives which nurtures us in dark times and brings added joy to the good times.

Travel enlarges my heart and mind. It breaks me out of my routine and awakens within me the ability to see through new eyes. The energy produced by my travels generates curiosity, adventure, creativity and playfulness. I find beauty anew in nature, foreign cultures and in people all over the world.

God’s handiwork and artistry are vividly seen at the beach. The tides keep rolling in regardless of the state of the world, or the state of my heart. The colors in the sunset make my heart sing. A walk on the sandy beach brings much-needed perspective. To glimpse seemingly endless water reminds me of the vastness of God’s love over generations.

Grace Notes

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